Côte d’Ivoire
We source directly from over 40,000 farming families, and a vast network of local traders.
Our offices, factories, and warehouses are strategically located near the communities we work with, supporting our growers and connecting us quickly to our markets.
During our tenure, we’ve made major investments in infrastructure, enhancing employment opportunities. We actively support the development of the sectors we participate in, and the sustainability of the livelihoods of those involved.
CmiA & Regenagri® Certified Cotton
We’re the largest private ginner worldwide. We use world-class ginning systems to produce consistently high quality cotton in a safe and sustainable environment.
Through our integrated ginning and contract farming mode, we support 20,000+ farmers to improve their farming practices, get a fair price and improve their livelihoods.
Olam Agri is a major player in the cotton industry in Côte d'Ivoire. Having started operations in Ouangolodougou in 2008 as SECO (Société d'Exploitation Cotonnière Olam), we now operate gins in Ouangolodougou and Ferkessedougou in the Tchologo region of Côte d’Ivoire with a third gin under development in Kong.

Our cotton is certified 'Cotton made in Africa' (CmiA), highlighting our commitment to sustainable and ethical production. In 2023, we also became the first African country to achieve Regenagri certification, showcasing our dedication to environmentally-friendly and socially-responsible farming.
We take pride in our consistently high quality and our fully traceable cotton produced in a safe and sustainable environment.

Our cotton is AtSource+. AtSource is Olam Agri's revolutionary sustainability insights platform for agricultural supply chains.
It provides our customers unprecedented transparency on where their cotton has come from, as well as the social and environmental impact it has had on its journey, from the farm right through to ginning.

Rubber Sourcing & Processing in Côte d’Ivoire
We source naturally coagulated cup lump rubber from 20,000+ smallholder farmers. This raw material is then processed in our state-of-the-art, ISO 9001-2015 certified with 88,000 tons per annum capacity factory located in Aniassué.
Olam Agri started its operations in 2016 as SAIC (Société Agro-Industrielle de la Comoé) in the Eastern Region of Côte d’Ivoire and has since emerged a leading player in the industry.
Olam Agri has contributed significantly to the socio-economic development of the region and its more than 40,000 inhabitants.
We work with a growing network of 20,000+ rubber growers who supply our ISO 9001-2015 certified factory at Aniassue. Our dedicated team of over 300 dedicated employees have made this factory one of the most modern and efficient ones in the industry. We also have a factory under construction in Dibobli.

Soil & Water Management
We recognise the importance of collaborating with IFC, ACF and Mitsubishi Corporation, and completed an anti-erosion project in 2021 to address soil degradation and erosion problems using retaining walls and raised beds method.

Training to Improve Yields
To date, over 750 farmers have been provided with training on soil and water management and advance methods of cultivation which will help improve their yield and revenue, and also conserve nature.
Associations & Partnerships
We work closely with government bodies and industry associations to provide full assurance to our customers of our products’ quality and traceability.
Our partnerships include Confederation Générale des Entreprises de Côte d’Ivoire (CGECI), IFC, GIZ, APROCOT-CI (cotton ginners association). We are trusted partners of development agencies, NGOs and a range of programmes, including the Competitive African Cotton initiative (COMPACI).

Gouassou Recognition Programme
The “Gouassou” programme – which translates to ‘bonus’ – supports farmers with materials such as equipment, seeds, vehicles and school kits.
Gouassou Recognition Programme
The “Gouassou” programme – which translates to ‘bonus’ – supports farmers with materials such as equipment, seeds, vehicles and school kits.

A Commitment to Public Health
We partnered with the National Blood Transfusion Centre to organise a significant blood donation drive. Nearly 200 units of blood were collected across our key operations in Vridi, Mantra, and Ferkessédougou.

A Recognised Top Employer
The Top Employers Institute has recognised Olam Agri as a Top Employer in Côte d’Ivoire. We’ve also been recognised as a Top Employer in the African continent for the 5th consecutive year. This recognition reflects our position as a global employer of choice as it strives to give our 10,000 employees the freedom to flourish personally and professionally in a purpose-driven organisation that supports diversity, inclusion, and collaboration.

Working with Us
We partner with schools, universities, and professional associations to attract talent. We offer tailored training and coaching through programmes such as the Olam Agri Graduate Programme and the Professional Internship Programme to help individuals maximise their potential.
Visit our careers section for vacancies or talk to our local team through the contact us form for one of the graduate or Internship programmes available.